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Blog and News

Make an instant privacy screen with Artificial Hedge

Make an instant privacy screen with Artificial Hedge

The sun is out, and you want to be tanned...
by changyou Mellish on March 05, 2020
Artificial plants at the heart of the solution for the future

Artificial plants at the heart of the solution for the future

Are we about to witness the latest trend in the...
by changyou Mellish on February 18, 2020
Using artificial hedge to create an elegant design

Using artificial hedge to create an elegant design

Check out our recent installation with Artificial Hedge, resulting in an elegant...
by changyou Mellish on February 13, 2020
Dull Garden fence makeover with Artificial green wall

Dull Garden fence makeover with Artificial green wall

​ You have a sluggish Garden fence that needs a makeover, but you...
by changyou Mellish on February 13, 2020
Hide the eyesore with an artificial hedge screen

Hide the eyesore with an artificial hedge screen

So, to hide the eyesore from an unpleasant neighbour's garden,...
by changyou Mellish on February 04, 2020
Bespoke hedge planters handmade for you

Bespoke hedge planters handmade for you

We hand make ​Bespoke Hedge Planters for your company. Discover...
by changyou Mellish on January 28, 2020